Alicein wonderland,爱丽丝梦游仙境。
Whereis yourhead?你究竟在想什么?
Hamish snappedather.哈米什厉声斥责道。
wouldbeliketo fly.我在想,人飞起来会是什么感觉?
Alice saiddreamily,爱丽丝迷迷糊糊的说。
Her father used to lift her over his head and whifrl her,父亲过去常常将她举过头顶,带着她不停的转圈。
shrteking with deli ht,around the room,整个房间都充满着她欢快的尖叫声。
She imagined it wouldbe something likethat.她想人飞起来,大概就是这种感觉吧。
Why would you waste your time thirkingabout such an impossible thing?你为什么总是花时间去想那些不可能的事情?
Alice laughed,asound like silver bellsin the sunlight.爱丽丝笑了起来,她的笑声犹如阳光下清脆的银铃声。
Whywouldn’t I?她回答。
My father said lhe sometimes believed.我父亲说,他会在吃早餐前相信六件不可能的事情。
Nearly twenty year old Alice laghed agat,想起父亲的这些趣事。
Shedidn’tnotice the painedexpression on Hamish sface.她丝毫没有察觉到哈米什脸上痛苦的表情。
He wished she could belike other Victortangils quiet,rstrained predictabl.哈米什多么希望爱丽丝能够像其他维多利亚时代的女孩一样安静,物谨,墨守成规。
None of this peculiartalkaboutimpossible thingsand breakfast.而不是会谈论关于早餐以及不可能的事情的奇怪言论。
Heglanced around and saw his motherhoveringat the nearbyteatable.他向周围扫了一眼,看见母亲在附近的茶几旁徘徊。
Ahem.Hamish deared his throatand his throat.他向周围扫了一眼。
”Alic,meet me under the gazebo in precisely ten minutes,” hesaid.”爱丽丝,十分钟后准时在凉亭见”他说。